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Monday, May 23, 2011

Cute Robo Dwarf Hamsters!

Hi! Welcome to my blog. I have two robo dwarf hamsters that are amazing pets! They are called Coco and Pepper. I have had them for about 7 months now, and they are full of energy and healthy. Since I think they are soo terrific! I would like to share some videos and photos of them. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below and I would gladly answer them. Hope you enjoy!

Coco and Pepper 

Pepper Enjoying a Croissant



  1. I have bought a silent wheel same as yours and the same exact cage. I was wondering how you fit the wheel into the bars? And can you have two male robo dwarf hamsters together? And if they fight, what can you do to stop the fighting?

    1. Hi Phoebe! To fit the wheel into the cage, you would have to remove the stand from the wheel. If you haven't done so you have to pull them apart. Then put the wheel into the cage and turn the little yellow thing on the back of the wheel so it is horizontal to where it would fit into the little wires. Then put the wheel through the wires so the yellow part is sticking out of the cage and turn it the yellow clip up so it can't fall out between the wheels. And there you go :)

      Putting two male robo dwarf hamsters together depends... I only recommend doing this if only they have been living together since birth. Sometimes, even though they have been living together since birth, there's a slight chance of them still fighting because it also depends on the hamsters personalities. So you never really know if they are going to fight once you put them together. I never had two male robos together, both of mine are females because where I live they sell have females. So you can try to put them together and see how it works but remember to always keep a close look on them. If you hear squeaking and see them chasing each other put your hand in the cage and separate them and try to put one of your hamsters in a ball and let the hamsters cool down for a bit. Then put the hamster back in the cage after 10 minutes. If they continue to fight constantly (for about a week) and you see scratches on them, separate them immediately and you might have to purchase another cage for you other hamster. Remember not to startle your hamster because then it can cause one on the hamsters to run everywhere and the other hamster might be annoyed and they might begin to fight. I hope I answered your questions and I hope your hamsters get along with each other and sorry if I wrote too much. Please post another comment if you have anymore questions or if I was clear on something.

      PS. Sometimes it's okay for a hamster to fight once in a while, you don't have to separate them for that, my do still sometimes but they don't mean to hurt each other.

  2. But what cage do you have? I'm pretty sure you have the same cage as me because I did remove the stand from the silent wheel but the yellow part still won't fit into the bars!

  3. Oh, I'm sorry. I have a different cage than yours. I have a starter kit, but on the side the green hole is different.

  4. Well, thanks anyways for the replies! :-)

  5. Another question. I'm sorry for all theses questions since I just got my hamster and I did read hamster books as also. But, what IF you lose your hamster in the house? What do you do to try to find it?

    1. Hi Phoebe, if you do loose your hamster, there are several important steps that would help you find and catch your hamster. First, try to leave plastic grocery bags where you might think your hamster would be so when it comes out from hiding to find food you can hear the rustling when your hamsters runs across it. Second, leave some food on the plastic bag and check back every 10 minutes to see if any food is missing, then you'll know which rooms to narrow down. Lastly, inspect every room and the ones you are positively sure that your hamster isn't in, close the door so it cannot go into that room.
      IMPORTANT: Cover any small openings under the cabinets on the kitchen or any other room with a small towel so your hamster cannot get into it and get stuck in there. Also never leave your hamster unattended even when it is in an exercise ball, IT CAN ESCAPE. I all learned this from my personal experiences when I had a Syrian hamster. I hope I have answered your question. Have a great day :)

  6. Hello again! I have trouble again and this time (again), I have two questions. My hamster is getting a little more chubbier each month and how do I help him? I know they are usually cute if they're chubby, but mine might get too chubby. And he does exercise while I'm asleep, and I let him go in the exercise ball. And second question: How daily do you change or give your hamster new food? I read my PetSmart's Hamster Manual but it only says feed your hamster daily. And my hamster's food bag says feed your hamster two tablespoons of this product. I need help! D:

    1. Try limiting the sunflowers peanuts you give him and take some out in the store bought food if they do have it because these food are more fattening than usual. It would be okay if you gave it as a treat a couple days in a week. Every time I clean the cage I would put in 2 tablespoons and the days after that I would give my hamsters more food every day about 1.5 tablespoon since they like to empty their food tray and hide it somewhere else and after a week i would just empty out the leftovers. I hope this helps sorry it took so long to respond I haven't been checking my blog lately.
